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Agapé Students CoffeeClub

Become a member and invest in Agapé Students

In Agapé Students, many of our meaningful conversations take place over cups of coffee (or other hot beverages). When we buy a student a cup of coffee, we’re offering them much more than just a caffeine boost; we’re providing them with an opportunity to take a step out of their busy university schedule, to take stock, reflect on life and move a step further in their journey of discovering Jesus, wherever they’re at in that journey.

Through CoffeeClub you get the opportunity to invest in the life of a student.

Join our community now!

Agapé Students CoffeeClub is a new online community of people who want to discover more about Jesus alongside others on their campus, in their workplace, in their neighbourhood and at church.
By becoming a member of the CoffeeClub, you get the opportunity to invest in the growth and development of Agapé Students. Your cups of coffee will be served during personal conversations about Jesus, at inspiring student conferences or at practical training events to help students grow in their confidence of sharing the good news about Jesus.

Through the community, you’ll also be equipped and inspired to have meaningful conversations about things that really matter whilst you enjoy a cup of coffee.

Your cups of coffee will contribute towards every student receiving the opportunity to discover Jesus!

CoffeeClub Logo v6

Every member of CoffeeClub will receive our bi-monthly (six times a year) updates which contain:

  • news about what’s been going on in Agapé Students;
  • information about Agapé Students’ events and campaigns coming up in the future; and
  • inspiration and ideas to help you as you engage in conversations about Jesus, wherever you are.
If you sign up to one of our special membership levels, you’ll also receive the following exciting bonuses:


membership level

£9/month donation to CoffeeClub

  • A free welcome gift of a resource of our choice from the Agapé Resource Centre (ARC)

  • Cappuccino

    membership level

    £19/month donation to CoffeeClub:

  • A free welcome gift of a resource of our choice from the Agapé Resource Centre (ARC)

  • A 10% discount on purchases made in the ARC

  • Macchiato

    membership level

    £29/month donation to CoffeeClub:

  • A free welcome gift of a resource of our choice from the Agapé Resource Centre (ARC)

  • A 10% discount on purchases made in the ARC

  • Each Christmas, a free gift either of a resource from the ARC or an inspirational Christian book
  • Also, are you a student? We’ll give you the additional bonus of a £5 discount on all Agapé Students events!

    Are you interested in joining CoffeeClub? You can sign up using the form below to invest in the growth and development of Agapé Students, and be equipped and inspired yourself to have meaningful conversations about things that really matter.

    Agapé Students CoffeeClub Sign Up Form

    Fill out this form and we’ll contact you to send you more information about how to sign up to Agapé Students CoffeeClub: