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We're Agapé UK.

We are part of Campus Crusade for Christ International, active in over 190 countries. Based on our Statement of Faith, we are led by our Executive Leadership Team, governed by our Council of Management and supported by a Panel of Reference. To find out more please click here.

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Working with churches

Agapé UK is working with churches across the UK, supporting church leaders as they inspire, encourage and enable their members to grow in confidence to talk about their faith in Jesus with their family, friends, colleagues and neighbours.    

Based on our 50 years’ experience of helping people discover Jesus together, along with our wide range of tried and tested resources, we are coming alongside church leaders and their members to help them to make and multiply disciples in this season.  

Find out more here.

At home

Agapé UK is committed to seeing families and relationships strengthened and transformed. We know that the ripple effect of healthy marriages can impact whole communities.

Through our FamilyLife resources and events, we help transform relationships through providing hope and practical tools grounded in biblical principals, research and experience. Everything we do is designed to be practical, fun, inspiring and give hope to those of all faiths and none, helping people discover what it means to know Jesus.

Find out more here

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At work

The most influential people in the world are among the least likely to hear the good news of Jesus. This is why we need followers of Jesus in the professional field. Our ‘At Work’ teams are ambassadors for Christ to a wide range of leaders and professionals in the UK.  

Find out more here

At university

From litter picking to help keep the city clean at Let’s Get Trashed events in Belfast, to discussing life’s big questions over a pint at Hub in the Pub in Birmingham; there are so many ways that Agapé UK Students are making a difference and getting involved in campus life across the UK.

Our student communities, made up of students from all backgrounds, are discovering more about themselves and exploring big questions about life, faith and God.

Find out more about what our student movements are doing and getting up to here.

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And abroad

Agapé UK is meeting the needs of people around the world, working with a number of international partners. This includes our  work with our humanitarian partner, Global Aid Network (GAiN), and the wider activities of the Agapé Europe and Cru global networks.

We offer short-term projects to far-flung destinations, and opportunities to go overseas longer term. Find out more below.

Find out more here